Kol Ami Reconstructionist


Kol Ami Reconstructionist

Stephanie Wasserman

Boca Raton,FL

5613920696 Visit Website


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Kol Ami Reconstructionist

Kol Ami Reconstructionist is a vibrant and welcoming Jewish congregation located in Boca Raton, Florida. Founded in 1991, Kol Ami is committed to creating a spiritual home that embraces diversity, inclusivity, and social justice.

As a Reconstructionist synagogue, Kol Ami places a strong emphasis on the celebration of Jewish culture, traditions, and values while also encouraging innovation and individual expression. The congregation is guided by the principles of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh (all of Israel is responsible for one another).

Kol Ami offers a variety of religious, educational, and social programming for members of all ages. The congregation holds weekly Shabbat services that blend traditional liturgy with innovative music and teachings. In addition to regular worship services, Kol Ami hosts holiday celebrations, educational classes, social events, and community service projects throughout the year.

One of Kol Ami's core values is inclusivity, and the congregation strives to create an open and welcoming environment for individuals and families of all backgrounds and identities. Kol Ami is proud to be a LGBTQ-affirming community and actively works to promote equality and acceptance within the Jewish community and beyond.

At Kol Ami, education is a top priority, and the congregation offers a robust religious school program for children from preschool through high school. The religious school curriculum emphasizes Hebrew language, Jewish history, ethics, and values, preparing students to become knowledgeable and engaged members of the Jewish community.

In addition to its religious and educational offerings, Kol Ami is committed to social justice and community activism. The congregation partners with local organizations to address issues such as poverty, homelessness, and environmental sustainability. Kol Ami members are encouraged to participate in tikkun olam projects and to work towards creating a more just and compassionate society.

Whether you are seeking a spiritual community, a place to celebrate Jewish traditions, or an opportunity to make a difference in the world, Kol Ami Reconstructionist in Boca Raton, FL offers a warm and inclusive space for individuals and families to connect, learn, and grow together.

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