What 15 maintenance service is required for fan?

'What Maintenance Services are Required for a Fan?'

15 Maintenance Services for Fans

1. Lubricate the motor and bearings every six months.

2. Check and tighten all electrical connections.

3. Inspect blades and clean as needed.

4. Check belt tension and adjust or replace as necessary.

5. Test run the fan periodically to ensure proper operation.

6. Keep the area around the fan clean and free of debris.

7. Inspect the foundation and supports for any signs of damage or wear.

8. Check for any loose screws, nuts or bolts and tighten as needed.

9. Ensure that the fan is properly balanced.

10. Replace worn out or damaged parts as necessary.

11. Perform monthly visual inspections of the fan and its components.

12. Keep a log of all maintenance activities and record any problems or concerns.

13. Follow all manufacturer’s instructions for care and maintenance of the fan.

14. Have the fan professionally serviced every year.

15. Contact a qualified electrician if any repairs are needed.

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