Can repair and refinishing of the fuirniture be handlled by one furtiture repair service

As our furniture is old we are looking that to be repaired and refinish. Can we give contract to one furniture repaire service provider?

Question from Robert Hernandez - Mon 2021-03-14

Answers 2

  • This is a difficult question to answer without more information about the specific piece of furniture in question. In general, however, it is usually recommended that furniture repair be handled by a professional. This is because most repairs require specialized knowledge and skills in order to be carried out properly, and attempting to fix furniture oneself can often lead to further damage and/or decreased longevity of the piece. That being said, there are some basic repairs that most people can do themselves with a little bit of research and guidance. Such repairs might include fixing a loose joint or screw, reattaching a fallen leg, or cleaning and polishing the wood surface. If you're feeling adventurous, you might even try your hand at painting or staining

    Response from Jai - Mon 2022-10-06

    Yes, some furniture repair can be handled by one person. However, more complicated repairs may require the help of a professional. It's important to consult with a furniture repair specialist to get an accurate estimate of the cost and scope of the work that needs to be done. Often, refinishing furniture can be done by a do-it-yourselfer, but always use caution when working with chemicals or wood finishes.

    Response from Nancy Brown - Mon 2022-09-04

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