How are the samples analyzed?

I am doing the asbestos testing myself. How do I analyze the samples?

Question from Sarah Nguyen - Mon 2021-03-23

Answers 2

  • The first step is to wet the sample. This will help to release the asbestos fibers. Next, use a stiff brush to scrub the surface of the material. Collect the fibers that are released into a jar or container. Seal the container and label it with the date and your name. Take the sample to a lab for analysis.

    Response from Thomas Taylor - Mon 2022-12-08

    There are a few ways you can analyze asbestos samples, depending on the type of sample you have. If you have a bulk sample (a clump of material), you can use a microscope to look for fibers. If you have a sample of dust or debris, you can use a phase contrast microscope to look for fibers. You can also use polarized light microscopy to identify asbestos fibers. If you're not sure how to analyze your asbestos samples, it's best to consult with an expert. There are commercial laboratories that offer testing services, or your state or local health department may offer free or low-cost testing.

    Response from James Smith - Mon 2022-08-26

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