Does asphalt need to be sealed?

I was planning on sealing the asphalt. Does asphalt need to be sealed?

Question from Karen Hill - Mon 2021-03-25

Answers 2

  • It depends on the condition of the asphalt. If it's in good condition and hasn't been damaged by weather or wear and tear, then it probably doesn't need to be sealed. However, if it's cracked or has other damage, then sealing it can help to protect it from further damage. Sealing an asphalt surface is a common practice, but it's not necessary for every instance. If you're unsure about whether your asphalt needs to be sealed, you can always consult with a professional.

    Response from Thad Tucker - Mon 2022-08-03

    Yes, asphalt needs to be sealed because it's a porous material. Sealing asphalt prevents water and other debris from getting into the pores, which can cause the asphalt to crack and deteriorate over time.

    Response from Kenneth Clark - Mon 2022-09-09

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