How do you make a gate open automatically?

I want my gate to open automatically. How do you make a gate open automatically?

Question from Donna Mitchell - Mon 2021-03-19

Answers 2

  • There are a few different ways to make a gate open automatically. One way is to install an electric opener. Another way is to use a remote control or key fob to open the gate. You can also use a pressure-sensitive mat or beam to activate the gate opening mechanism.

    Response from Charles Moore - Mon 2022-08-21

    Well, there are a few ways to make a gate open automatically. One is to install an automated opener, like a motor or solenoid. Another is to use a pressure sensor to detect when someone or something is pushing on the gate and then activate an electric or hydraulic opener. And finally, you can use a timer that will control an electric or hydraulic opener based on how long it has been since the gate was last opened.

    Response from Amanda Roberts - Mon 2022-09-23

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