How do you tighten barbed wire with pliers?

I am having trouble repairing the barbed fence myself. How do you tighten barbed wire with pliers? 

Question from Ashley Baker - Mon 2021-03-21

Answers 2

  • To tighten barbed wire with pliers, you will need to clip the wire about 12-18 inches from the end you want to tighten. Loosen the screw on the pliers so that it is comfortable for you to hold. Hold the pliers so that the wire is sticking out of the side of the handle and twist them in opposite directions. You will hear and feel a clicking noise when you have tightened it enough. If not, continue twisting until it feels tight. Finally, cut off the excess wire with some scissors.

    Response from Lisa Flores - Mon 2022-07-12

    One way to tighten barbed wire is by using a pair of pliers. Place the pliers around the wire and twist in one direction.

    Response from Shea Rangi - Mon 2022-11-08

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