How do I stop my basement from flooding in heavy rain?

I need help waterproofing my basement. How do I stop my basement from flooding in heavy rain?

Question from Kevin Lewis - Mon 2021-04-05

Answers 2

  • There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as different homeowners will have different solutions based on the layout of their home and the surrounding topography. However, some potential solutions include installing a rain barrel to collect runoff from the roof, grading the land around your home to direct water away from the foundation, and/or installing a drainage system.

    Response from Tony Peltier - Mon 2022-09-08

    The best way to stop your basement from flooding in heavy rain is to install a proper drainage system. This can include installing a sump pump, a French drain, or a drywell. If you already have a drainage system in place, make sure it's working properly and that the gutters on your house are clear of debris so that water can flow freely away from the house. You may also want to consider adding extra drainage capacity (such as by installing bigger gutters or increasing the slope of your downspouts) if you live in an area that is known for experiencing heavy rains.

    Response from James Smith - Mon 2022-07-20

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