Which is better roll or batt insulation?

I am confused about the type of insulation to install. Which is better, roll or batt insulation?

Question from Amanda Roberts - Mon 2021-04-04

Answers 2

  • There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best type of insulation will vary depending on your home's specific climate and construction. However, in general, fiberglass insulation is a good option for most homeowners, as it is affordable and effective at blocking heat transfer. If you are interested in installing insulation in your home, be sure to consult with a professional installer who can help you choose the right type of insulation for your needs.

    Response from HD Plumber - Mon 2022-09-19

    There is no simple answer to this question since there are a variety of factors that need to be considered, such as climate, budget, and existing insulation. However, in general, spray foam insulation is often considered the best option because it fills every nook and cranny, providing a tight seal that prevents air leakage. Additionally, spray foam insulation can also act as an effective barrier against moisture and pests.

    Response from Melissa Davis - Mon 2022-12-24

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