How do you install patio stepping stones?

I need to install patio stepping stones myself. How do you install patio stepping stones?

Question from Patricia Walker - Mon 2021-03-27

Answers 2

  • There are many ways to install patio stepping stones. One way is to dig a hole in the ground and put the stone in the hole. You can also put sand or gravel in the bottom of the hole before you put the stone in to help with drainage. Another way is to use concrete or mortar to attach the stones to each other or to a foundation. Make sure that you use enough concrete or mortar so that the stones will be stable and will not move around.

    Response from Melissa Davis - Mon 2022-08-12

    Patio stepping stones are a great way to add some character to your outdoor space. Here is a guide on how to install them:1. Decide where you want your stones to go and use a garden hose or spray paint to mark the area.2. Dig out the soil in the marked area down to about 4" and remove any large rocks or debris.3. Add 2-4" of gravel and compact it using a tamper or for extra stability, you can use concrete mix as well.4. Measure and cut your pavers to fit the space, making sure that you leave at least 1/2" of space between each paver for drainage purposes.

    Response from SP2 Handsdown - Mon 2022-11-14

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