Can you reface a brick fireplace with stone?

I want to reface the brick fireplace with stone. Can I do it?

Question from Kenneth Clark - Mon 2021-03-13

Answers 2

  • Yes, you can definitely reface your brick fireplace with stone. You will need to remove the old brick and mortar, and then install the new stone. It's a pretty labor-intensive project, but it will definitely improve the look of your fireplace. Good luck!

    Response from Michael Lopez - Mon 2022-07-12

    Yes! It's a great idea to update your fireplace with stone. You can either use natural stone or manufactured stone veneer. If you decide to use natural stone, you'll need to select stones that are the right size and thickness for your fireplace. You'll also need to make sure the stones are compatible with the type of mortar you're using. If you decide to use manufactured stone veneer, there are a variety of different styles and colors available. The downside to using manufactured stone is that it can be quite expensive.

    Response from Joseph Thomas - Mon 2022-12-26

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