How much does it cost to replace stone in fireplace?

I want to replace the stones in the fireplace. How much does it cost to replace the stone in a fireplace?

Question from Karen Hill - Mon 2021-03-31

Answers 2

  • It can cost anywhere from $500 to $5,000 to replace stone in a fireplace, depending on the size and scope of the project. typically, the more intricate the stone work, the more expensive it will be to replace. If you're working with a contractor, be sure to get quotes from several different professionals before making a decision.

    Response from Karen Hill - Mon 2022-09-09

    It depends on the size of your fireplace and the type of stone you choose. Generally, though, expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1,500 for a professional to replace the stone in your fireplace.

    Response from Handsdown Pro - Mon 2022-08-29

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