How long does brick mortar take to cure?

I recently had the brick mortar repaired. How long does brick mortar take to cure? 

Question from Robert Hernandez - Mon 2021-03-29

Answers 2

  • Mortar between bricks starts to cure as soon as the water inside it evaporates. The curing process is complete when all the water has evaporated and the mortar reaches its final strength. This usually takes about a week, but it can vary depending on the weather and the type of mortar used.

    Response from Brian Williams - Mon 2022-07-05

    Mortar between bricks usually takes about 28 days to cure. However, it is best to wait at least 60 days before subjecting the mortar to any kind of stress. This will ensure that the mortar has fully cured and will be able to withstand any external forces.

    Response from Emily Campbell - Mon 2022-10-10

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