How many concrete blocks can a bricklayer lay in a day?

I need professional help with bricklaying. How many concrete blocks can a bricklayer lay in a day?

Question from Michelle Carter - Mon 2021-03-20

Answers 2

  • It depends on the size and weight of the blocks. On average, a bricklayer can lay between 500 and 700 blocks in a day.

    Response from Ashley Baker - Mon 2022-11-08

    It depends on the size, weight and shape of the blocks. A good average is around 12-15 blocks per hour. Some tips to increase productivity: -Use a brick pincher to hold the bricks together while you mortar them, so you don't have to use your hands. -Make sure the mortar is wet and ready before you start laying bricks. -Use a trowel to spread the mortar and make it smooth. -Lay the bricks close together so there's less joints to fill with mortar later on. -If possible, use a level to make sure the blocks are straight.

    Response from Michael Lopez - Mon 2022-11-15

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