Common Mistakes People Make While Installing The Central A/C

Common Mistakes People Make While Installing The Central A/C

With the increase in heat each year, there has been a significant rise in the number of air conditioners installed. Some people consult a professional expert to help with the air conditioner installation. Others find it amusing to install the air conditioner on their own. However, installing an air conditioner on your own can prove to be quite hectic and lead to some grave mistakes. Even the professional expert you have hired for the installation might make some of these silly mistakes. Knowing beforehand about the common mistakes while air conditioner installation can help you easily avoid them.


Placing the Air Conditioner In The Wrong Place

If you place your air conditioner in direct sunlight or a hot spot, it will affect effectiveness. One of the most common mistakes people make while installing the air conditioner is placing the A/C in the wrong place. It will also add up more pressure on the air conditioner to maintain its cooling. It would be best if you always placed the air conditioner in a cool place so that it runs smoothly & effectively.


Wrong Size of the Air Conditioner 

Another common mistake people make while installing an air conditioner is that they have got the air conditioner's size wrong. Placing the air conditioner in the wrong place will lead to ineffectiveness and may even lead to premature failure of the whole air conditioning unit. If the air conditioner is too small for the room, it will overwork the air conditioner and even lead to complete failure. Choosing the right size of the air conditioner is of vital importance to ensure adequate cooling.


Wrongly Placed Thermostat

One of the common mistakes while installing a new air conditioner is placing the thermostat in the wrong place. It ultimately affects the cooling of the air conditioner. Not every person knows the right & correct place for the thermostat. Not placing the thermostat in the right place can overwork the air conditioner more than required. Generally, the thermostat is placed in a cool area which helps the air conditioner to run smoothly. 


Not Installing A Drainage System

The operation of a standard air conditioner creates a lot of moisture in the air. The amount of moisture the air conditioner creates can ruin everything in sight if properly not taken care of. Not having a sound drainage system in place will only add to the problem. It would be best if you tried to install a proper drainage system while installing the air conditioner. You should consult a professional expert on how to install a proper drainage system for you.


Not Placing the Vents Correctly

Another common mistake made by people is not placing the vents in the right place. The correct placement of the vents is of vital importance to ensure adequate airflow. It would be best if you generally placed the ducts where it does not obstruct the airflow.


Not Consulting a Professional Expert

One of the most common mistakes people make while installing an air conditioner is not getting the help of a professional expert, having an expert to help you will lead to the proper & correct way of installation of the air conditioner. Trying to save some bucks on installation may end up costing you more in the future.


It would be best if you tried to avoid these mistakes at all costs as they might end up costing you more. It might also lead to the premature failure of the whole air conditioning unit. If you need the help of a professional expert, you can always get connected to local experts now.




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