Can I install my own chimney cap?

I have decided to install the chimney cap myself. Can I do it? 

Question from Amanda Roberts - Mon 2021-04-09

Answers 2

  • I have decided to install the chimney cap myself. Can I do it?† Yes, you can install a chimney cap yourself. However, you should be aware that it is a potentially dangerous job, and if you're not familiar with the procedures involved, you could seriously injure yourself or cause a fire. Before starting the project, consult with your local fire department to find out what type of cap is approved for use in your area and what safety precautions need to be followed. Then get some expert advice on how to properly install the cap – there are many instructional videos and articles online that can walk you through the process step-by-step. Always take care when working on top of a roof and use proper

    Response from Anthony Lee - Mon 2022-08-29

    Yes, you can install a chimney cap yourself. However, it is important to ensure that the cap is the correct size and type for your chimney. A bad fit could cause smoking or water leakage, among other problems. If you are not comfortable installing the cap yourself, it is best to hire a professional. Chimney caps can be dangerous if installed incorrectly, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

    Response from Patricia Walker - Mon 2022-09-06

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