Do I need a charcoal filter for my range hood?

There are many different types of filters available for a range hood? Why do I need a charcoal filter for my range hood?

Question from Charles Moore - Mon 2021-03-16

Answers 2

  • It depends on the type of range hood you have. If your range hood has a charcoal filter, then you need to use it in order to filter the air before it is vented outside. However, if your range hood does not have a charcoal filter, then you do not need to use one.

    Response from James Smith - Mon 2022-07-14

    Do you need a charcoal filter for your range hood? It depends on what type of range hood you have. If it's a basic overhead exhaust fan, the answer is no, you don't need a charcoal filter. But if your range hood has an in-line filter (that is, the filter is located between the fan and the exhaust duct), then you will need to replace the filter every few months with a charcoal filter to help remove cooking odors.

    Response from Donna Mitchell - Mon 2022-09-27

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