Is it cheaper to mix your own concrete or have it delivered?

I want the concrete to be delivered. Is it cheaper to mix your concrete or have it delivered?

Question from Andrew Sanchez - Mon 2021-03-28

Answers 2

  • It depends on the quantity of concrete you need, and the distance you are from a ready-mix plant. Generally, it is cheaper to mix your own concrete if you need more than 500 cubic feet, but it may be more expensive if you are located a long distance from a ready-mix plant.

    Response from Andrew Sanchez - Mon 2022-05-27

    It depends on how much concrete you need and the distance you need to have it delivered. Generally, it is cheaper to mix your own concrete if you need less than a truckload. If you need more than a truckload, it is usually cheaper to have it delivered.

    Response from Roohi John - Mon 2022-08-24

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