Are foundation repairs worth it?

I need to get the foundation repair done. Are foundation repairs worth it?

Question from Margaret Green - Mon 2021-03-15

Answers 2

  • It depends.There are a few things you'll want to consider before deciding whether or not to repair your foundation: -The severity of the damage -The age and condition of the foundation -The cost of the repair versus the cost of replacing the foundation -Your ability to do the repair work yourself, or hire a professional to do it for you -The availability of materials and labor in your area -The climate in your area and how that will impact future repairs

    Response from Sp3 Handsdown - Mon 2022-11-11

    It depends on the severity of the damage. If you have a small crack in your foundation, it's most likely not worth repairing. However, if your foundation is severely damaged and is causing major structural problems in your home, then repairs are definitely worth it. It's important to get a professional opinion before making any decisions, as foundation repairs can be expensive. But in most cases, they are worth the investment.

    Response from Handsdown Pro - Mon 2022-06-16

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