How much does concrete leveling cost?

I need to get the concrete leveling done. How much does concrete leveling cost?

Question from George Garcia - Mon 2021-04-03

Answers 2

  • Concrete leveling cost can vary depending on the size of the project, but typically it costs around $3-$5 per square foot. There are a few different methods that can be used to level concrete: -Hydraulic jacks: This is the most common method, and it involves using hydraulic jacks to lift and level the concrete. -Concrete grinding: This method involves grinding down the high spots in the concrete to create a level surface. -Concrete pumping: This is a less common method, and it involves pumping a leveling compound under the concrete slab to raise it into position.

    Response from John Martinez - Mon 2022-07-03

    The cost of concrete leveling varies depending on the contractor, the size of the job, and the location. Generally, it costs between $3 and $10 per square foot to have a contractor level concrete.

    Response from SP2 Handsdown - Mon 2022-06-30

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