How do you lay a concrete walkway?

I was thinking of laying a concrete walkway myself. How do you apply a concrete walkway?

Question from Nancy Brown - Mon 2021-04-02

Answers 2

  • A concrete walkway is a great way to add some curb appeal to your home, and it's not as hard to do as you might think. Here are the steps:1. Decide on the location and size of your walkway.2. Mark the location of your walkway with stakes and string.3. Excavate the area for your walkway, making sure to remove any large rocks or roots.4. Add sand or gravel to the bottom of the hole, then tamp it down until it's level.5. Mix the concrete according to the instructions on the package, then pour it into the hole.

    Response from Dom Toretto - Mon 2022-07-11

    A concrete walkway is a great way to add a touch of elegance to your home while also providing a functional surface on which to walk. There are many ways to lay a concrete walkway, but the most common is by using a form. You will need: -concrete mix -water -trowel -level -edger -bucket -hose or watering can 1. Decide on the location and shape of your walkway. Mark the outline with stakes and string. 2. Using a level, mark the height of the forms at each end and in the middle. Cut lumber to these dimensions and nail it together into squares or rectangles - making sure that

    Response from Anthony Lee - Mon 2022-11-08

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