Do you have to saw cut concrete?

I need help removing concrete. Do you have to saw cut concrete?

Question from Mark Thompson - Mon 2021-04-10

Answers 2

  • Saw-cut joints are created by using a circular saw with a diamond blade to cut the concrete into segments. The segments are then separated by sawing through the connecting mortar joints. Saw-cutting is generally used to make control joints, which are placed in concrete slabs to help control cracking. Saw-cutting may also be used in combination with other methods, such as coring or hydraulic fracturing, to produce more effective control joints.

    Response from Charles Moore - Mon 2022-07-10

    Saw cutting is generally the most efficient way to cut concrete, but it is not always necessary. There are a few ways to cut concrete without a saw. One is to use an angle grinder with a diamond blade. Another is to use a demolition hammer or jackhammer. Finally, you can use a chisel and hammer. Each of these methods has its own drawbacks and limitations, so it's usually best to use a saw if you can.

    Response from Rishabh S - Mon 2022-06-18

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