How do you maintain copper gutters?

I need help maintaining the copper gutters. How do you maintain copper gutters?

Question from Michael Lopez - Mon 2021-03-24

Answers 2

  • Maintaining copper gutters can be a bit tricky, but it's definitely worth it for the beautiful and long-lasting results. Here are a few tips to keep your copper gutters looking their best: -Make sure to clean them regularly with a mild detergent and water. Be sure to avoid any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they could damage the finish on the copper. -Check for any leaks or cracks, and repair them as soon as possible. Leaks can quickly cause corrosion and damage to the gutter system. -Consider coating the gutters with a protective sealant once or twice a year. This will help protect them from weathering and oxidation.

    Response from Roohi John - Mon 2022-10-14

    Copper gutters need to be cleaned and sealed on a regular basis in order to protect them from the elements. Cleaning your copper gutters regularly is essential for maintaining their shine and protecting them from rust. You can clean them with a soft cloth and a mild detergent, or you can buy a copper cleaner specifically designed for this purpose. Sealing your copper gutters will help keep them looking new longer and will also protect them from rusting. A sealant that is formulated for use on copper can be purchased at most hardware stores.

    Response from Barbara Wright - Mon 2022-07-24

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