How long do copper gutters last?

My copper gutters need repairs done. How long do copper gutters last?

Question from Jessica Torres - Mon 2021-03-28

Answers 2

  • Copper gutters usually have a lifespan of 20 to 40 years, but they can last longer with proper maintenance. Gutters are an important part of your home's rainwater drainage system, so it's important to keep them in good condition. Regular inspections and repairs can help ensure that your copper gutters will last for many years.

    Response from Garry Webber - Mon 2022-10-07

    Copper gutters usually last 10 to 15 years, but they can last longer with proper maintenance. Copper is a natural metal that is known for its durability and resistance to corrosion. So, if you take care of your copper gutters and keep them free of debris and other contaminants, they should last for many years. However, if there is a leak or if the metal becomes damaged, it will need to be repaired or replaced.

    Response from James Smith - Mon 2022-08-17

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