How deep do you dig a dry well?

I want to dig a dry well. How deep do you dig a dry well?

Question from Michelle Carter - Mon 2021-03-20

Answers 2

  • I want to dig a dry well. How deep do you dig a dry well? The depth of a dry well should be at least 10 feet, but it may need to be deeper depending on the area in which you live. You can find out how deep your well should be by contacting your local water authority or digging a test hole.

    Response from Himanshu test Test - Mon 2022-08-02

    There is no definitive answer to this question since the depth of a dry well can vary depending on a number of factors, including the local soil conditions and water table. However, as a general rule, you should dig your dry well at least 10 feet deep.

    Response from Jai - Mon 2022-11-05

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