How much does it cost to retrofit a house for earthquakes?

I want to get the earthquake protection retrofit done. How much does it cost to retrofit a house for earthquakes?

Question from Kenneth Clark - Mon 2021-03-26

Answers 2

  • It would depend on the size and type of the house, as well as the specific seismic retrofitting measures that are required. However, a ballpark estimate would be in the range of $5,000 - $10,000.

    Response from Dom Toretto - Mon 2022-06-30

    It depends on the size and type of home, but retrofitting a home for earthquakes generally costs between $3,000 and $10,000. Some of the most important measures to take when retrofitting a home for earthquakes include installing foundation anchors, bolting the house to its foundation, reinforcing ceilings and walls, and installing bracing for heavy appliances. Taking these measures can help protect your home from major damage in the event of an earthquake.

    Response from Kenneth Clark - Mon 2022-10-25

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