How much does it cost to repair blinds?

I need the help of professionals to repair the blinds. How much does it cost to repair blinds?

Question from Mary Robinson - Mon 2021-03-26

Answers 2

  • It depends on the type of blinds, the size, and the extent of the damage. Generally speaking, it costs anywhere from $10 to $100 to have a professional repair or replace blinds.

    Response from Robert Hernandez - Mon 2022-11-15

    It depends on the type of blind and the extent of the damage. If you have a damaged slat, it might cost as little as $2 to repair. If a cord is broken, it could cost around $5 to fix. If the entire blind needs to be replaced, the cost could be anywhere from $50 to $200+.

    Response from Steven Harris - Mon 2022-08-11

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