How much does it cost to install exterior trim?

I am installing exterior trim. How much does it cost to install exterior trim?

Question from David Wilson - Mon 2021-03-15

Answers 2

  • It cost about $500 to install exterior trim. This includes the material and labor. Some factors that may affect the cost include the type of trim, the complexity of the installation, and whether or not you do it yourself or hire a professional. Always get estimates from several contractors before making a decision.

    Response from Matthew Martin - Mon 2022-11-02

    I am installing exterior trim. How much does it cost to install exterior trim? Costs for exterior trim installation may vary depending on the type of materials used, the size and complexity of the project, and the contractor hired for the job. Typically, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $1,000 for a professional installation. However, it is always best to get quotes from multiple contractors before settling on a final price.

    Response from SP2 Handsdown - Mon 2022-09-12

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