What is feng shui in interior design?

I am looking for a Feng Shui Designer. What is feng shui in interior design?

Question from Kevin Lewis - Mon 2021-04-08

Answers 2

  • Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art of harmonizing the surroundings with the natural flow of energy, or ch'i. The goal is to create a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and spiritually nourishing. There are many different schools of thought within feng shui, but most agree that the following principles should be considered when decorating your home: -Make sure the entrance to your home is open and welcoming -Create a sense of spaciousness by using light colors and clean lines - Avoid clutter and excessive decoration - Position your furniture so that it encourages positive energy flow throughout the space

    Response from Susan Scott - Mon 2022-07-14

    Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice of creating harmonious environments through the arrangement and design of objects in a space. It is said that feng shui can bring good health, wealth, and happiness to those who live or work in its spaces. There are many different schools of feng shui, but the most popular one is the ba gua school. In this school, there are eight basic directional energies called "palaces." The idea behind using feng shui in interior design is to create an environment that balances these eight palaces and brings positive energy into your life.

    Response from Kenneth Clark - Mon 2022-06-03

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