How much does it cost to build a floating dock?

I might need the help of professionals to build the floating dock. How much does it cost to build a floating dock?

Question from Jennifer Young - Mon 2021-03-19

Answers 2

  • The cost to build a floating dock varies, depending on the size of the dock, the materials used, and the labor costs in your area. However, as a general guide, you can expect to pay between $10 and $25 per square foot for a basic floating dock. So a small 20'x20' dock would cost around $4000-10000 to construct. Larger docks or docks with more features (such as boat lifts or swim rafts) will be more expensive.

    Response from Melissa Davis - Mon 2022-09-05

    The cost to build a floating dock can range depending on the type of wood you use, the size, and the complexity of the design. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5-$15 per square foot for a basic dock. So a 200-square-foot dock would cost between $1,000 and $3,000 to build. If you want a more elaborate design with features like rails or stairs, the cost will be higher. And if you choose high-quality wood like cedar or teak, the price tag will be even heftier. So it's important to factor in all of these variables when determining how much it will cost to build your floating dock.

    Response from Jennifer Young - Mon 2022-05-27

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