What are the four common mistakes landscapers make when planting?

I am thinking about landscaping my front yard. What are the four common mistakes landscapers make when planting?

Question from Anthony Lee - Mon 2021-03-28

Answers 2

  • Not watering properly; planting in the wrong spot; overfertilizing; planting the wrong plants. Not watering properly is the most common mistake, as most people don't realize how much water new plants need. They might also incorrectly assume that because it's been raining, their plants are getting enough water. Plants should be watered deeply and regularly, especially during hot, dry weather. Planting in the wrong spot is another common mistake. For example, plants that need a lot of sun may be planted in a shady area, or vice versa. Sometimes landscapers will also try to fit too many plants into a small space, which can lead to overcrowding and problems with growth and blooming.

    Response from Bruno Mars - Mon 2022-09-08

    1. Not taking the time to plan out the design – It's important to plan out the overall design of your garden before you start planting. This will help you figure out how much space you need for each plant, what kind of plants will work well together, and where to place each plant in order to achieve the desired look. 2. Planting too deep – When planting, make sure you only bury the root ball of the plant and not any of the foliage. If you bury too much of the plant, it could rot or die. 3. Not watering enough – Newly planted plants need to be watered frequently in order to help them get established. Failure to water them regularly can result in wilting leaves.

    Response from Sarah Nguyen - Mon 2022-07-12

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