How do you strip and refinish furniture?

I am planning on refinishing the furniture. How do you strip and refinish furniture?

Question from Joshua Ramirez - Mon 2021-03-21

Answers 2

  • First, identify the type of finish on your piece of furniture. This can usually be determined by looking at the surface under a bright light. If you can see a sheen or film, then it is most likely a polyurethane finish. If there are no shiny surfaces and the wood has a matte or unfinished look, then it is probably an oil finish. If your furniture has a polyurethane finish, you will need to use a stripping agent to remove it. There are many products that can be used for this purpose, but my personal favorite is TSP (trisodium phosphate). It can be found at most hardware stores. Just follow the instructions on the label.

    Response from Joe Doe - Mon 2022-09-11

    There are a few ways to strip and refinish furniture. One way is to use a chemical stripper, which will remove the finish from the piece of furniture. You can also sand down the finish with a sandpaper, or use a sander. After the finish has been removed, you can then refinish the piece of furniture with a new coat of paint or stain.

    Response from Steven Harris - Mon 2022-09-30

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