Do pellet stoves really save money?

I am thinking of installing a pellet stove. Do pellet stoves really save money?

Question from Daniel Johnson - Mon 2021-03-19

Answers 2

  • There is no easy answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, such as the cost of pellets in your area, the size and efficiency of your pellet stove, and how often you use your pellet stove. That said, many people find that pellet stoves save them money in the long run as they are more efficient than traditional wood-burning stoves and can help reduce energy costs.

    Response from Sandra Nelson - Mon 2022-08-12

    Pellet stoves really save money. The EPA has determined that pellet stoves are the cleanest, most efficient wood-burning appliances available and emit up to 90% less pollution than traditional wood-burning appliances. Pellet stoves also use a fraction of the energy of other heating methods, making them a cost-effective way to heat your home. In fact, many people who switch to pellet heating systems save 50% or more on their heating costs. So, not only are pellet stoves good for the environment, they're also good for your wallet!

    Response from Lisa Flores - Mon 2022-09-16

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