There are a few ways to tell if your wood pellets are bad. One way is to look at the pellets themselves. If they're wet, moldy, or covered in dust, then they're likely not good to use. Another way is to smell the pellets. If they have a strong, unpleasant odor, then they're likely spoiled. Finally, you can test the pellets by burning them. If they produce lots of smoke and little heat, then they're no good. If you notice any of these signs, it's best to discard the pellets and find a new source of fuel for your wood stove.
Wood pellets can become bad over time, especially if they're not stored in a moisture-free environment. You can tell if your wood pellets are bad by checking for the following signs: smell - if your wood pellets have a strange smell, then they're likely bad moisture - if your wood pellets are wet or damp, then they're likely bad mold - if you see any mold growing on your wood pellets, then they're definitely bad bugs - if you see any bugs crawling on your woodpellets, then they're definitely bad If you notice any of these signs, it's best to discard the entire bag of wood pellets and buy a new one.
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