How often should you clean out your pellet stove?

I need the help of professionals for the pellet stove. How often should you clean out your pellet stove?

Question from John Martinez - Mon 2021-04-09

Answers 2

  • How often you should clean out your pellet stove depends on how often you use it. If you use it every day, then you should clean it out every day. But if you only use it once a week, then you should clean it out once a week.

    Response from Abhi Shar - Mon 2022-09-16

    It really depends on how often you use your pellet stove. If you use it every day, then you'll probably want to clean it out every week or so. But if you only use it once a week or less, then you can probably get away with cleaning it out once a month or even less often. The most important thing is to make sure that you keep the stove's exhaust system clear of any obstruction so that the fan can properly expel the smoke and fumes. Also, make sure to keep the pellets dry and free of dust, as this can also cause problems with the exhaust system.

    Response from Test Test - Mon 2022-08-10

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