How long does it take to become an appraiser?

I need the help of a General Appraiser. How long does it take to become an appraiser?

Question from Lisa Flores - Mon 2021-03-16

Answers 2

  • It takes about two years to become a Licensed Real Estate Appraiser. There are many different routes you can take to become an appraiser. Some states have specific requirements, while others do not. The most common way to become an appraiser is to complete a training program and then pass a state licensing exam.

    Response from Steven Harris - Mon 2022-09-06

    It takes about three years to become an appraiser. An appraiser is someone who is qualified to estimate the value of property. To become an appraiser, you need to have a college degree and a few years of experience in the real estate industry. You also need to pass an exam offered by the Appraisal Foundation.

    Response from William Gonzalez - Mon 2022-09-04

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