What is the difference between a certified residential appraiser and a certified general appraiser?

I need the assistance of a certified residential appraiser. What is the difference between a certified residential appraiser and a certified general appraiser?

Question from Betty Adams - Mon 2021-03-20

Answers 2

  • A certified residential appraiser is licensed to appraise one- to four-unit residential properties, including single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes. A certified general appraiser can appraise all types of real property including commercial and agricultural land. A certified residential appraiser has a minimum of two years' full time experience in the appraisal of one- to four-unit residential properties or an equivalent combination of education and experience. A certified general appraiser has a minimum of three years' full time experience in the appraisal of any type of real property or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

    Response from Shubham Pandey - Mon 2022-06-10

    A certified residential appraiser is someone who is licensed to appraise only single-family dwellings and small multi-family residential properties (up to four units). A certified general appraiser, on the other hand, is someone who is licensed to appraise all types of property, including commercial and industrial properties.

    Response from Susan Scott - Mon 2022-06-21

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