What fixes are mandatory after a home inspection?

I am scheduled for a General Home Inspection. What are fixes mandatory after a home inspection?

Question from Edward Miller - Mon 2021-03-13

Answers 2

  • It depends on the findings of the home inspector. Some things may be mandatory, such as fixing a broken window. Others may be recommended, such as fixing a leaky roof. Still others may not be necessary, but may be advisable, like adding insulation to the attic. It all depends on the specific situation.

    Response from Michelle Carter - Mon 2022-12-11

    There is no universal answer to this question, as it can depend on the specific findings of the home inspector. However, in general, there are some common repairs that may be recommended after a home inspection. These could include things like fixing broken windows or doors, repairing leaky faucets or roofs, and replacing outdated or faulty wiring or plumbing.

    Response from Test - Mon 2022-09-30

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