What is the cheapest home warranty?

I need a home warranty quickly. What is the cheapest home warranty?

Question from Charles Moore - Mon 2021-03-23

Answers 2

  • There is no definitive answer to this question since home warranties can vary in price significantly depending on the coverage that is included. That said, some of the cheapest home warranties can be found by shopping around online. Be sure to compare the prices and coverage of several different providers before making a decision.

    Response from Joshua Ramirez - Mon 2022-07-15

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the cheapest home warranty may not be the best option for your specific needs. That said, here are three tips to help you find the cheapest home warranty: 1. Shop around and compare quotes from multiple providers. 2. Look for a plan that covers the basics (e.g., plumbing, electrical, HVAC) and doesn't include a lot of add-ons or bells and whistles you don't need. 3. Don't skimp on coverage - make sure your policy has a high enough deductible so you're not paying for things you don't need, but also has enough protection in case of a major repair

    Response from Test Test - Mon 2022-07-14

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