How much does it cost to install insulation?

I am installing insulation in my home. How much does it cost to install insulation?

Question from Dorothy Hall - Mon 2021-04-02

Answers 2

  • It depends on the type of insulation, the size of your home, and the contractor you use. Generally, blown-in insulation costs $1-2 per square foot, while fiberglass batts cost around $0.50-0.75 per square foot.

    Response from Shubham Pandey - Mon 2022-07-22

    It can cost anywhere from $0.50 to $3 per square foot to install insulation, depending on the type of insulation being used, the climate, and the availability of labor. Spray foam insulation, for example, is more expensive than traditional fiberglass insulation but it also provides better insulation value. In colder climates, where energy costs are higher, it is generally more cost effective to install a higher-quality insulation like spray foam.

    Response from Rishabh S - Mon 2022-09-19

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