How do you attach pavers to concrete steps?

I need help with steps installation. How do you attach pavers to concrete steps?

Question from Michael Lopez - Mon 2021-03-15

Answers 2

  • There are a few different ways to attach pavers to concrete steps. One way is to use construction adhesive, which can be applied with a trowel or caulking gun. Another way is to use paver anchors, which are small metal discs that are embedded in the concrete and then used to hold the pavers in place. And finally, you can use mortar or setting bed mix to hold the pavers in place.

    Response from John Wick - Mon 2022-07-23

    There are a few different ways to attach pavers to concrete steps. One way is to use construction adhesive, which can be applied to both the paver and the step and will hold them in place. Another option is to use mortar, which can be used either as a thin-bed mortar or as a setting bed mortar. A thin-bed mortar is generally used when installing pavers on a slope, while a setting bed mortar is more common for attaching pavers to flat surfaces.

    Response from Steven Harris - Mon 2022-08-07

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