How far can a laminate countertop overhang without support?

I want to install a laminate countertop. How far can a laminate countertop overhang without support?

Question from Amanda Roberts - Mon 2021-03-21

Answers 2

  • It depends on the weight of the countertop and the type of laminate. A standard countertop with a 20-pound weight limit can overhang 8 inches without support. If you have a heavier countertop or a different type of laminate, consult with your manufacturer or retailer for specific recommendations.

    Response from Patricia Walker - Mon 2022-05-25

    A laminate countertop can overhang up to 12 inches without support. Anything more than that, and you'll need to add a support beam underneath.

    Response from Dom Toretto - Mon 2022-09-25

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