When should I Dethatch my lawn?

I need help with lawn detaching. When should I dethatch my lawn?

Question from Richard Anderson - Mon 2021-04-06

Answers 2

  • There isn't a set "season" for dethatching your lawn, as it will depend on the climate, the type of grass, and how well you care for your lawn. However, most people recommend dethatching in the spring or fall. You can tell if your lawn needs to be dethatched by checking for visible signs of thatching such as clumps of grass or brown patches. You can also use a rake to test how easily the grass comes up from the soil - if it's difficult to pull up, then your lawn probably needs to be dethatched.

    Response from Thad Tucker - Mon 2022-10-08

    There is no one perfect time to dethatch a lawn, as it will depend on the type of grass you have, how healthy it is, and the level of thatch build-up. A good rule of thumb is to dethatch when the grass is actively growing - usually in the spring or summertime. You can use a rake or a mechanical dethatcher to remove the excess thatch. Afterwards, you can overseed your lawn with new grass seed to help strengthen it and promote healthy growth.

    Response from Barbara Wright - Mon 2022-12-07

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