Common Mistakes You Need To Avoid While Installing Lighting Protection

Lightning Protection: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Lightning protection is a critical safety measure for any structure, but it’s easy to make mistakes during the installation process. To ensure your lightning protection system is properly installed and functioning correctly, it’s important to be aware of the most common mistakes.

Not Conducting a Risk Assessment

Before installing a lightning protection system, you should conduct a risk assessment to determine the best type of system for your particular structure. This assessment should include an evaluation of the building’s size, shape, and materials as well as its location and proximity to other structures.

Not Installing Enough Air Terminals

Air terminals are an essential part of any lightning protection system. They are designed to intercept lightning strikes and direct them safely away from your structure. However, if you don’t install enough air terminals, they won’t be able to do their job properly. Make sure you install enough air terminals so that they can effectively protect your structure from lightning strikes.

Incorrectly Installing Air Terminals

In addition to making sure you have enough air terminals installed, it’s also important that they are installed correctly. Air terminals should be placed at the highest points on your structure in order to provide maximum coverage from lightning strikes. If they are not placed at the highest points or if they are not securely attached, they will not be able to do their job properly.

Not Installing Surge Protection Devices

Surge protection devices (SPDs) are designed to protect electrical systems from power surges caused by lightning strikes. Without SPDs installed in your electrical system, your equipment could be damaged by power surges caused by lightning strikes. Make sure you install SPDs in all of your electrical systems in order to protect them from power surges caused by lightning strikes.

Finding Professional Help with Handsdown Pro

Installing a proper lighting protection system is essential for protecting your structure from damage caused by lightning strikes. However, it can be difficult and time-consuming if you don't have experience with this type of work. That's why it's important to find professional help when installing a lighting protection system for your home or business. Handsdown Pro provides professional installation services all across the United States so you can rest assured that your lighting protection system will be installed correctly and safely.




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