How do you set a misting system?

I need assistance repairing a mist system. How do you set a misting system?

Question from Amanda Roberts - Mon 2021-04-07

Answers 2

  • A misting system can be set up by attaching the tubing to a water supply and running it to the areas where you would like to install the nozzles. The misting system should be turned on for a few minutes every day to ensure that the lines remain clear of any debris. If using an automatic timer, we recommend setting it to run for 10 minutes once a day.

    Response from Margaret Green - Mon 2022-07-08

    A mist system is an irrigation system that uses low-pressure sprinklers or nozzles to spray water in a fine mist, or fog.To properly set a misting system you will need to water your plants correctly. You should start by finding the correct nozzle or sprinkler for your project. Once you have the correct nozzle, you will need to determine the pressure of your water supply and adjust the nozzle accordingly. After you have determined the pressure of your water supply, it is time to attach the nozzle to your hose and turn on the water. Now that the nozzle is attached and turned on, you can test it by spraying it in a small area close to where you will be irrigating.

    Response from HD Plumber - Mon 2022-06-21

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