Should you edge your lawn before or after mowing?

I am mowing the lawn myself. Should you edge your lawn before or after mowing?

Question from George Garcia - Mon 2021-03-26

Answers 2

  • Edge your lawn before you mow it. When you edge your lawn before you mow it, you are cutting the grass at a taller height. This is because when you mow the lawn, you are cutting off the top of the grass, which is the part that is visible. By edging your lawn before you mow it, you are getting rid of the excess length of grass, and this will make it easier for you to mow.

    Response from John Martinez - Mon 2022-11-06

    You should edge your lawn before mowing. Mowing the lawn always leaves a little strip of uncut grass along the curb. You can make this strip look neater and more uniform by edging it with a tool specifically designed for the job. There are a few different types of edging tools, but they all do the same basic thing: They cut a clean line along the edge of your lawn, making it look like you meticulously trimmed every blade of grass. Edging your lawn before mowing is also a good way to prevent turf damage. When you run the mower over an un-edged lawn, you tend to knock blades of grass off at the Curb rather than neatly trimming them.

    Response from Susan Scott - Mon 2022-10-14

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