How much does it cost to install a Outdoor misting system?

I want to install an outdoor mist system. How much does it cost to install the outdoor mist system?

Question from Charles Moore - Mon 2021-03-20

Answers 2

  • Depending on the size and type of system you choose, an outdoor misting system can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. The most important factors that will determine the overall price are the size of the system and the type of equipment used. Some things to keep in mind when shopping for an outdoor misting system: -The size of your yard or garden will help determine the type and size of system you need. -The climate in your area will also dictate what type of system is best suited for you. For example, if you live in a humid area, you'll need a misting system with a high volume output. -Systems come with different features and customization options, so

    Response from Steve Hilton - Mon 2022-08-04

    Depending on the size and complexity of the system, a misting system can cost anywhere from $25 to $200 per nozzle. So for a typical backyard with 20 nozzles, you're looking at a cost of between $500 and $4000. Misting systems are usually sold in kits that include tubing, valves, and misters. You can also buy components separately if you need to adjust the size or design of your system.

    Response from Test - Mon 2022-08-29

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