How do I make my pond water clear naturally?

I have a pond water feature on my property. How do I make my pond water clear naturally?

Question from Emily Campbell - Mon 2021-04-11

Answers 2

  • There are a few things you can do to make your pond water clear naturally. One is to add plants, which will help to filter the water. Another is to add fish, which will eat the algae and help to keep the water clean. You can also use a pond filter to remove particles from the water.

    Response from Thad Tucker - Mon 2022-11-25

    One way to naturally make your pond water clear is to introduce a few goldfish. The fish will eat the algae and help to keep the water clean. You can also add aquatic plants, which will also help to reduce algae growth. If there is already an established algal bloom, you can try using a pond net to remove as much of the algae as possible. You can also use a filter or pump to circulate the water and help to move the algae around so that it can be more easily removed. Finally, you can try adding an enzyme product that helps break down the algae cells.

    Response from Annu Singh - Mon 2022-07-14

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