How much do poured concrete walls cost?

I need to install poured concrete walls. How much do poured concrete walls cost?

Question from Kevin Lewis - Mon 2021-03-29

Answers 2

  • It depends on the contractor, the region, and the size of the project. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay between $3 and $6 per square foot for a poured concrete wall. Concrete is a versatile material that can be used for many applications, including foundations, walls, and floors. When it comes to walls, there are two options: poured concrete or block walls. Poured concrete walls are more expensive than block walls, but they're also stronger and more durable. If you're looking for a quality wall that will last for many years, then poured concrete is the way to go.

    Response from John Wick - Mon 2022-11-09

    It depends on the contractor, the location, and other factors. But typically, poured concrete walls cost between $5 and $12 per square foot.

    Response from Lisa Flores - Mon 2022-09-30

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