Can crumbling concrete be repaired?

There is some crumbling concrete at my house. Can crumbling concrete be repaired?

Question from Linda Allen - Mon 2021-03-19

Answers 2

  • Yes, crumbling concrete can be repaired. However, the repair process will vary depending on the extent of the damage. In most cases, a professional contractor will need to be hired to properly assess and address the problem.

    Response from Daniel Johnson - Mon 2022-08-10

    Yes. Crumbling concrete can be repaired by filling in the cracks with a cement-based patching compound. First, the cracks need to be cleaned and dried. Then, the patching compound is mixed and applied to the crack using a putty knife or trowel. Finally, the patching compound is smoothed out and allowed to dry.

    Response from Rishabh S - Mon 2022-07-01

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